Information for Parents

Most information for parents can be found in our school prospectus. Please contact the school office if there is something else you would like to know and we will be happy to help.

Emegency closure procedures can be viewed by following link Emergency Closure Information for Parents 2022 – 2023

Head Lice information can be downloaded here 

Term Dates for the Academic Year 2022 – 2023 can be viewed here Harrowbarrow School Term Dates 2022 2023 (updated)

Term Dates for the Academic Year 2023 – 2024 can be viewed here Harrowbarrow School Term Dates 2023 2024 (updated)

Training Days 2023 – 2024

4th September 2023

20th October 2023

28th March 2024 (Pupil Progress Day)

7th June 2024

24th July 2024

Supporting your child at home

Homework provides children with the opportunity to consolidate what they have been doing at school, building firm foundations for the next steps in their learning. It also provides parents with an insight into their childs’ progress. It is important that all children undertake their homework regularly, whether it is reading every night or learning weekly spellings and timetables.

For more information about how you can best support your child please take a moment to view the following documents.

Safeguarding and Child Protection

At Harrowbarrow School staff have a duty of care to keep children safe from harm. All employees receive Safeguarding and Child Protection training. The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Headteacher Andrew Hunt. The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Deputy Head Melissa Pinfield.  Our Emotional Health & Wellbeing Support Assistant is Laura Littlewood . If you have a concern about a child please speak to one of these officers or contact Cornwall Council’s Multi-Agency Referral Unit (0300 123 1116). For more information about our Safeguarding arrangements please read the school policy.

At Harrowbarrow School we welcome many visitors and volunteers to work alongside the staff and children. All visitors and volunteers must sign in on arrival at reception  and will be issued with a Code of Conduct and a Staff & Volunteer Handbook if this is their first visit. It is the policy of the school that all visitors and volunteers who work directly with children should undertake a DBS clearance, otherwise they will not be permitted to work unsupervised. Annually, we ask all staff, governors and volunteers to complete a Disqualification by Association Disclosure Form in line with DfE guidance.


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