Term Dates for the new Academic year can be viewed Read more →
The Department for Education requires all schools to publish the following performance information annually:
What is a ‘scaled score’?
Your child will have achieved a ‘raw’ score for maths, reading and GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, sometimes called SPAG) based on the number of questions they correctly answered. This is then converted into a ‘scaled score’. A score of 100 is required to meet the expected standard.
What does that mean for my child’s score?
How do schools calculate the ‘combined’ score?
The combined score is not an average of the scaled results. It is a percentage based on how many children have met the expected standards in all three subjects (i.e. reading, writing and maths).
KS1 & EYFS Results explained
At the end of Year 2, children will take nationally set reading and maths test papers. The results from these are used to inform a teacher assessed judgement in conjunction with the progress pupils have demonstrated during the year. At the end of Year 1, pupils take a national screening check to determine whether they have attained a nationally agreed threshold in this area.
Throughout the EYFS pupil progress is recorded by staff against a number of areas in the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile. At the end of the year, the teacher will judge whether the child is still ’emerging’ or has achieved the ‘Early Learning Goal’ in each area.
2021 KS1 & EYFS Teacher Assessment
To compare school performance please click on this link which will take you to the government’s School’s Performance Comparison Service.