Class 2

Class 2 is a mixed Year 1 and Year 2 group with 22 children. The class is taught by Mrs Ati Charlesworth, and teaching assistants Miss Jo Walker and Mrs Jo Cocking. Mrs Lane will be covering for Mrs Charlesworth’s PPA on a Wednesday afternoon.

If you ever need to get in touch, please do not hesitate to email at or ask to speak to Mrs Charlesworth via the school reception on 01579 350576.

  • MONDAY: Library afternoon
    Can you please ensure that your child bring their book bags in daily. Your children will be sent home with a book from the library to enjoy with you at home. These will be changed every Monday. Your child might also bring home books from our Accelerated Reader or Read Write Inc programs.
    PE is on a Tuesday afternoon. We ask that all children come into school in their PE kit.Our school PE kit is blue/black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and a plain white T-shirt.
  • FRIDAY: Share a Book and Show and Tell
    This term, we will alternate between Share and Book and Show and Tell every Friday afternoon.
    Friday 6th December: NO Show and Tell
    Friday 13th December: Show and Tell


Weekly phonics and spelling homework will be set from the week beginning Monday 2nd December 2024:

Year 1 Mrs Charlesworth’s
Spelling Group
Set 2 sounds

out, loud, round, shout, mouth, found

Red words
her, no


Adding the suffix -ing
baking               battling
hiring                making
phoning            racing
rattling              riding
shading              shining
shuffling             sliding
sloping                smiling
tickling               writing



In Class 2, we love our books! We ensure that we choose and share a variety of books every day in class. Further, every child is encouraged to access a selection of books related to our topic. To encourage this love of reading further at home, you could read and talk about the books they bring back home in their book bag.

For the Year 2s who have access to Accelerated Reader leveled reading books, it is expected that your child is to read for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour per day. Accelerated reader quizzes can be accessed at home. Please click on the link below and then enter in your user name and password.

If your child has forgotten login details: The username is the 1st letter of your child’s first name and the first 4 letters of their second name. Regarding their password, if they have forgotten that, please do email me so that I can confirm.


Maths – KIRFs

Year 1 Year 2


By the end of this half term, children should be able to instantly recall the numbers that add together to make all the numbers up to 9. This unit is preparing the children to recall bonds to 10 and beyond.

Click below to download the KIRFs document as as PDF.

Year 1 Aut1


By the end of this half term, children should be able to fluently count in steps of 2, 3, 5 and 10.

Click below to download the KIRFs document as as PDF.


Year 2 Aut1



Class 1 and 2 Trip to Restormel Castle

We had a rather long, loud but fun ride on a big, big coach to the castle.

When we reached the venue, we all stopped for a rest and some snacks.

Then we all explored the castle with our groups and adults. It was super exciting as we identified the different parts of a castle.

Then we stopped for a long lunch break.

The afternoon was filled with a variety of activities.

From crown making and playing at being different royal personages…

To toasting marshmallows and eating gooey smores…

To going on a scavenger hunt…

It was all fun… and tiring… and amazing!


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