Term Dates for the new Academic year can be viewed Read more →
Harrowbarrow’s PE mission statement
At Harrowbarrow school we strongly believe that all children should have access to an engaging, safe and stimulating PE curriculum, that will help pupils deepen their understanding in a sequential way to motivate them to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Our teachers strive to equip all children with the necessary skills, knowledge and range of physical experiences whilst encouraging healthy competition, teamwork and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.
For more information about how we teach PE at Harrowbarrow School, view our PE Intent, Implementation and Impact statement.
PE at Harrowbarrow
Following pandemic disruption, we have been delighted to start playing inter-school matches again. In November, the football team won their first match of the season 5-2.
Our children learn traditional Maypole dancing and perform for the community annually.
There is lots of outdoor learning linked to different curriculum areas in our new and improved outdoor space. Without a school hall, our gymnastics offer is very limited. To compensate for this, and because we believe in the multiple benefits of learning through the outdoors, we have a significant outdoor learning offer.