Parent Suggestions

  • 22/07/2012
  • webcube

Feedback from parents is very important to us. In the past it has helped us to improve many aspects of our work. If you would like to leave a suggestion we promise to respond in due course.

Please note, all suggestions will be vetted before being published on the website.
Note – Please enter Captcha, otherwise your comment will be lost. Thank you.


  • Julie Swain

    Sep 05, 2012


    Hi All Just testing the new site! One thing to note on the homepage the 'Arrange a Visit' has a spelling mistake it states 'vist' but I am sure you are aware of this! I love the site very fresh! Julie Swain

    • school_reception

      Sep 06, 2012

      Thank you for your positive comment. Spelling mistake has been corrected.

  • Karen Bennett

    Sep 25, 2012


    hi, just wanted to congratulate you on the new site, seems full of information already! well done

    • Headteacher

      Oct 04, 2012

      Thank you and thanks for your contributions as a governor on the working party that put it together!

  • Tara Dickenson

    Jan 10, 2013


    Hi, Late as usual I have only just seen and started to use the new site. It's great. Clear, bright, user friendly informative and interactive - just what was needed. Thank you. One little thing, on this reply page the Captcha comes after the submit button. If, like me, you automatically press the submit you lose all the data you input and have to start again. If it can't be moved, it may be worth putting in a sentence telling the user to input the numbers/letters as seen before submitting your reply. While I'm here is there an update on whether or not dinner money could be paid electronically - a standing order each month would be useful with my memory..... Thanks Tara

  • Headteacher

    Jan 14, 2013


    I have added a note at top of page re Captcha - thank you for pointing this out. Unfortunately, parents responded overwhelmingly against paying the fees for electronic payments, which is something we cannot afford to do at the moment. We will continue to look for a better deal from providers and hope that one day this is a service we can provide. Glad you like the new website.

  • abbie pridham

    Oct 21, 2013


    hey ,Im loving the Website , sorry its a bit late message but the website is awesome!!! from abbie pridham

    • Headteacher

      Oct 24, 2013

      Thank you Abbie. Are you using the Class 4 page to find out all about your homework?

  • abbie pridham

    Nov 26, 2013


    yes I am ! which is handy!!!!!!!!!

  • Rosie Perdikeas

    Feb 23, 2014


    Great website, well done to all, ( apologies for late comment!) overall really informative, we are using the site to download homework good back up also if hardcopy is mislaid! Rosie Perdikeas

    • Headteacher

      Feb 24, 2014

      Glad it is proving helpful. Thanks for the feedback.

  • Brian Dickenson

    Jul 09, 2014


    Good morning Mr Hunt, Tara and I would just like to congratulate everyone involved in last nights superb production.It was without doubt the best effort that the children have made to date and was most definitly on another level. The most delightful aspect was the fact that all the children and audience seemed to be fully involved and truly enjoying themselves in a rare and very refreshingly patriotic and respectful way.As you noted,this was a great way to bring history and a whole range of life issues to children in an inspiring way. It is a great pity that the ofsted bods were not privy to this fine display of the schools achievements! I will leave a comment on their page,just for the record.Anyway once again well done to you and your staff and of course the children,this is why we are so pleased that Ava has the opportunity to be schooled at Harrowbarrow regards Brian.

    • Headteacher

      Jul 21, 2014

      Thank you Brian. I agree, the children were amazing and it was a fantastic production. I have passed on your praise to colleagues and know it will be very much appreciated. Thanks again. Andrew Hunt Headteacher

  • Hannah

    Sep 23, 2014


    Could we bring back wake and shake?

    • Headteacher

      Sep 25, 2014

      Hi Hannah, I will pass the request on to colleagues. Thank you.

  • Miss Tucker

    Jun 19, 2024


    Probably an impossible suggestion but I hope you don't mind me asking... is there anyway that there could be staggered class start / finish time in order to help alleviate pressure on parking at the village hall. As it does cause issues with buses/tractors passing. Also in general entering/exiting the car park is bedlam at best. I know that the school has tried to encourage walking/cycling to school - but we are fully aware that only a few will have the time to do this. Thank you for your time.

    • Headteacher

      Jul 05, 2024

      Good afternoon, Apologies for the delay in replying but we tend not to check the comments section of the website as often as we do direct emails, which are viewed daily. Please feel free to email directly via or and you will be guaranteed a quicker response. The parking issue at the village hall is a perennial one and one we have never been able to find a solution for. We have considered staggered start and finish times but the issue is that many of our families have children in more than one class, making this problematic. If you do think of a solution, please let me know as we are open to any suggestion that would help. Kind regards. Andrew Hunt Headteacher

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