Term Dates for the new Academic year can be viewed Read more →
If your child is unwell we politely request you contact the school office on the first day of absence. Following guidance from the Health Protection Agency, children who have experienced diarrhoea or vomiting should only return to school 48hrs after these symptoms have ceased. This will help prevent the spread of infection to other pupils and staff.
If your children experiences an illness e.g. conjunctivitis, but you are unsure whether they are well enough to attend school, please contact the school office for further information.
In the interest of pupil progress it is important children attend school as much as possible.
The Government has made amendments to the Education (Student Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 which came into force on 1st September 2013. These state that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence for holidays during term time unless they are exceptional circumstances (see Attendance Policy).
As a consequence of these changes we are no longer able to approve requests for leave of absence for holidays during term time. Parents wishing to apply for leave of absence for their child/children in an exceptional circumstance should complete the Absence Request Form. The intended dates and reason for the request, highlighting the exceptional circumstances should be given in detail. The application should be made at least two weeks in advance of the requested date and before the leave is arranged as absences will not be granted retrospectively.
It is important that parents/guardians understand that this is Government Policy and parents who take their children on holiday during term time without permission from the School will incur unauthorised absences being recorded for their child/children.
As always, we continue to work with our parents in the best interests of our pupils and their achievement. Thank you for your continued support and understanding.